This week, we’ll explore overcoming the fear of death, embracing mortality, and living with purpose.
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— Mirabelle
Here are 3 ideas from me, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question to ponder this week.
🚀 3 Ideas From Me
I. Overcoming the Fear of Death
Napoleon Hill describes the fear of death as the cruelest of all basic human fears. It often stems from:
• Ill health
• Poverty
• Regrets about life not well lived
This fear manifests as excessive thoughts about dying rather than making the most of life. However, death is an inescapable part of the human experience.
To overcome this fear:
• Live each day to the fullest.
• Cultivate meaningful passions.
• Develop a burning desire for achievement.
• Deliver helpful service to others.
• Contribute to a cause that will outlive you.
II. Embracing Mortality
Recent events have led me to deeply consider my mortality:
• My family and I mourned the unexpected deaths of my two elder brothers.
• Last week, a classmate and colleague suddenly passed away at work.
These events brought back memories of a near-death experience I had a few years ago, prompting me to adopt a morning routine death affirmation:
“I understand that today may be my last day. If that pleases the Almighty, I will accept and joyfully enter into the heavenly home He has prepared for me, from where I will smile down on those very dear to me.”
This affirmation isn’t about fear but acceptance, helping me focus on living fully and loving deeply.
III. Living with Purpose
When you embrace the reality of death, it becomes easier to live with purpose.
To live with purpose:
• Be intentional about your time, actions, and relationships.
• Align your actions with your values.
• Make a positive impact and leave a meaningful legacy.
• Ask yourself: If today were your last day, would you be proud of how you’ve spent it?
🚀 2 Quotes to Inspire You
“You are living as if destined to live forever; your own frailty never occurs to you; you don’t notice how much time has already passed, but squander it as though you had a full and overflowing supply.”
— Seneca
“Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own: he who, secure within, can say, tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.”
— Horace
🚀 1 Question for You
What’s one thing you can do today to live with more purpose, embrace your mortality, or let go of the fear of death?
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Looking Ahead:
Next week, we’ll explore other fascinating topics. Don’t miss it!
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