It is the dream of many newlyweds to have a long-lasting and happy marriage. However, the stark reality shows that up to fifty per cent of marriages are headed to divorce. However, this does not have to be the case. Based on the latest research findings, I will discuss the secrets of a successful marriage.

The happy wives club is a great book written by Fawn Weaver. The American author travelled to 12 countries on six continents for over six months to prove that happy marriages still existed. She hoped to dispel the opposing narratives in the news media that portray mostly bartered and unhappy wives.
Secondly, the author looked for the “universal truths to happy and successful marriages”.
She interviewed many couples who have been married for at least 25 years and are happy with their spouses. What she found were the compelling secrets to a long-lasting and happy marriage.
What are the benefits of a happy marriage?
There are many benefits to a happy marriage, including the following:
- Less stress and tension in the relationship
- Better communication and understanding between partners
- More satisfaction with life overall
- A stronger connection between the two people in the relationship
What are the secrets to a long-lasting and happy marriage?
The secret to a happy marriage is mutual respect.
Nothing sustains a long-term relationship more than the mutual respect and trust of the spouses. That is a universal emotional need in marriage, especially for husbands.
You can either earn the respect of your partner by intentional good acts or by enforcing it through manipulation and brutality. Only the esteem that is merited can foster a long-lasting marriage.
When one spouse disrespects the other, it creates marital conflicts. Disrespectful judgement is a notorious love buster that often leads to toxic relationships and divorce.
The key to maintaining a healthy marriage is creating an environment where both spouses feel respected and valued. That means communicating effectively and setting boundaries when necessary.
Respect is essential because it allows couples to work harmoniously towards common goals. Furthermore, when both partners respect each other’s opinions and feelings, they can build trust over time, strengthening the relationship overall.
Trust leads to a long-lasting and happy marriage.
Closely related to respect is trust. It is easy to trust someone that you cherish and vice versa.
Trust is the cornerstone of a happy marriage and a vital emotional need of most women. However, it is not built overnight but requires time and determined effort.
Difficult times often require both spouses to put their feelings on the table for a peaceful resolution. Trust is essential because it helps couples weather challenging circumstances together without domestic violence.
Understanding what triggers emotions in your spouse is an excellent way to build trust. When one spouse understands how the other feels, they’re more likely to respond positively instead of negatively.
Another secret to a happy marriage is for couples not to have a plan B
Couples not having a plan B can help strengthen marriages because it eliminates the stress of wondering what might happen if things don’t work out. That allows partners to focus on their relationship and build on positive aspects rather than worrying about the negative.
Planning for the future can be stressful, especially if you’re unsure whether your marriage will last or what kind of future you want. However, if you and your partner agree not to have a Plan B, you are forced to confront these issues head-on and deal with them together. That strengthens your partnership because you learn how to communicate better and compromise to make things work.
Couples who don’t have a Plan B are more likely to stay together through tough times because they know they aren’t looking for an easy way out. Instead, they are committed to each other and want the best for both.

The role of laughter and not taking things too seriously
Couples who laugh together are likelier to have a happy and lasting marriage.
According to Dale Carnegie, laughter is an excellent antidote to worry. That occurs by releasing chemicals that lower our stress response and blood pressure. In addition, laughter boosts our happiness and is infectious to others.
Indeed, laughter is the best medicine.
Additionally, when partners communicate humorously, they can often resolve complex issues more effectively. Ultimately, having a solid relationship based on laughs will benefit the long run!
Couples have work and hobbies outside of their marriage.
Many couples must dedicate all their time to their marriage to be happy. However, research has shown that this is not the case.
Couples with work and hobbies outside their marriage are likelier to have a happy and long-lasting union.
Having a hobby and working outside the home allows couples to spend time outside each other and fulfil their life’s passions. Also, work provides income to support the different areas of life.
Having a hobby allows spouses to express themselves differently than through their job. That can lead to deeper relationships and stronger bonds between them.
A word of caution-couples should avoid the traps of workaholism and over-ambitiousness.
Couples engaging in regular date nights
Couples who engage in regular date nights are likelier to have a longer-lasting and happier marriage.
Date night is one of the best ways to spend quality time with your spouse, especially for those with a vital emotional need for recreational companionship.
A study published in The Marriage Foundation Journal recognises that date nights strengthen marriages. The authors found that married couples who went out on date nights once a month when their kids were nine months old had a lower likelihood of divorce in the next ten years.
By going out often, married couples reinforce the importance of their relationship in public.
Date night doesn’t have to be a fancy event – spending time together at home can be enough. Participating in activities you enjoy can help keep the relationship fresh and provide fun competition between you and your partner.
Support and help your spouse
A happy marriage consists of two people working together harmoniously. Supporting your spouse means doing things that make them happy, such as listening to them and being understanding.
It can also mean taking care of their needs without asking for anything. These small everyday gestures will go a long way in strengthening your relationship.
Support and help to your spouse can make your marriage last longer and happier.
It doesn’t have to be complicated – all you need is empathy and a willingness to lend a hand. If you’re struggling with what to do or how to help out, ask your spouse if there’s anything you can do to help them feel more supported.
Keeping only the friends that will not destroy your marriage
One of the most important things is to surround yourself with positive friends who encourage and support you, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s also essential to be honest, and not keep anything hidden. Finally, try not to take things personally and focus on the good times instead of the bad.
These tips will help your marriage stay strong by promoting communication, honesty, and appreciation. When couples can share their feelings openly and work together towards common goals, they’re more likely to have a happy relationship.
Treat your partner as your great friend.
Treating your partner as a great friend will help to create a longer-lasting and happier marriage.
When you treat your partner like a great friend, you open up communication and build trust. This relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding – two critical ingredients for a happy marriage.
By taking the time to understand your partner, you can overcome any disagreements or conflicts that may arise. And because marriages require positive and negative moments to thrive, treating each other like friends will help make those moments more positive.
Treating your partner nicer will make your marriage last longer and be much happier in the process!
Belief in God or a higher power
This finding may come as a surprise to some people. However, the authors found that couples that had a strong belief in the existence of God or a higher power nurtured a long-lasting and happy marriage. There are many ways to express spirituality, including practising mainstream religion, prayer, or meditation.
I can attest that an abiding Christian faith has helped my wife and I withstand our seventeen-year marriage’s vicissitudes.
We’ve discussed the many secrets to a long-lasting and happy marriage. By applying these simple measures in your union, you can build a stronger relationship that will last through the good times and the tough times.
- Mutual respect
- Trust
- No plan B or disposability
- Laughter is the best medicine
- Work and hobbies outside of marriage
- Regular date nights
- Support for your spouse
- Choose your friends wisely
- Treat your partner as a good friend
- Belief in God or a higher power
What is the age of your marriage?
Which of the measures above will you use to improve your relationship?
I would love to hear your thoughts.
Please comment below, or let’s continue the discussion on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Linkedin.
Thanks for your time.
Happy Wives Club: One Woman’s Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage by Fawn Weaver
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